Harvest Moon: Back to Nature (Boy version)
Although many of the characters are adapted from Harvest Moon 64, they have relatively different personalities, families, and professions. These differences were carried over to Harvest Moon: DS and finally became the canonical canon of these characters, which caused some small debate among fans. It uses more 3D visuals than any other game set in Mineral Town and has numerous features not present in the Game Boy editions.
After your grandfather passes away, you inherit a farm, as is customary in many Harvest Moon games. However, in this game, the citizens of Mineral Town have determined that you can only inherit the farm if you turn it around and become a part of the community within three years.
Similar to how Pete's father assessed him at the conclusion of the third year in Harvest Moon 64, Mayor Thomas will visit you at the end of the three-year period to assess your progress. The player may continue if the farm's state is suitable at the conclusion of the third year.

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